We offer services for women of all ages for a healthy and rewarding life.
Reproductive Endocrinology, Infertility and Preconception Care
Have you been struggling with becoming pregnant? If you have not conceived in a year of timed intercourse surrounding ovulation, call to make an appointment. Evaluation of your hormone levels, ovarian function, uterus, and fallopian tubes needs to be done assuming your partner has a normal semen analysis. You may need medicine or injections to stimulate the ovaries. Let us help you with your conception journey.
If you have had multiple miscarriages, an investigative work up may help prevent the next lost conception.
We invite you to come to the office for preconception care and do a carrier screen for the most common genes causing serious birth defects and miscarriages. Get your medical problems treated with medicine appropriate for pregnancy.
If you are planning a pregnancy, let us help you get healthy. Be on the right medicines and vitamins before conception.
We ensure your pregnancy is off to a great start with pregnancy blood work and ultrasounds in the first trimester. We will refer you to a trusted physician for the remainder of your pregnancy journey at week 12. Many offices will not see a new OB patient until later than the 12th week of gestation due to the miscarriages before then.
We offer services for females of all ages. Most women see us annually and we serve as the primary care physican for our patients. Depending on your stage of life, you may see us for preconception services, annual exams and wellness services, vaccines, contraception, family planning, or infertility services. We offer primary care services and fit you in emergently when you are ill.
We want you to be healthy prior to pregnancy and will change medications and control medical problems preconceptionlly. We also offer medically supervised weight loss.
We are experts in the management of abnormal Pap smears, abnormal bleeding, fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis, chronic pelvic pain. We have a special interest and training in minimally invasive surgery, pelvic floor prolapse, incontinence and vaginal surgery.
.Genital plastic surgery is offered including labioplasty and vaginoplasty.
High Risk Pregnancy
Fetal Health Evaluation
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss or Miscarriage
Incompetent Cervix & Cerclag
Placenta Previa and Bleeding
Fetal Ultrasound
Genetic Screening
Non-invasive Pre-natal Testing
Natural Vaginal Birth
Pre-term Labor and Delivery
Post Menopause
One third of your life is spent in the menopause. We offer evidence based hormonal replacement, We manage pelvic floor relaxation with surgery as well as with pessaries and pelvic floor biofeedback. We diagose and treat incontinence, offering both medical treatment as well as slings and other continence services. We do cystometograms in the office.
Your breast and bone health is just as important as your gynecologic health.
We give appropriate referrals and diagnose/manage breast disease as well as oseteoporosis.
Well-Woman Programs
Yearly Exams
Cancer Screening
Premenstrual Syndrome Therapy
Contraceptive Therapy
Endometriosis Treatment
Variety of Surgical Inventions
Primary Care for Women
Medically Supervised Weight Loss
Contraceptive Options
Hormone Balancing Programs
Adrenal and Thyroid Testing
Hormone Testing